Mail notifications
There are 3 types of built-in mail notifications:
- New comment notification sent to article author.
- New reply notification to the original comment author.
- New mention (@Someone) notification to the mentioned commenter.
In order to enable mail notifications:
- Email setup (SMTP configuration) must be done using the Email button in the main menu.
- Site base URL in the Config button in the main menu must be set up. This is used for both article links and unsubscribe links.
- Entry canonical link path must be set for the entry type.
- Application must be run in production mode. Otherwise mail is not actually sent out.
For reply mails:
- Receiver must have notifications enabled (sent
notify: true
) in the original comment. - Receiver must have
set in the original comment.
For mention notifications:
- Receiver must have notifications enabled (sent
notify: true
) in the last comment on the entry. - Receiver must have
set in the original comment.
To register canonical link path:
:- use_module(library(bc/bc_type)).
:- bc_register_canonical(post, '/post/<slug>').
To enable mail sending in development:
:- use_module(library(bc/bc_mail_queue)).
:- bc_mail_set_behavior(send).